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API usage

AmiBase provides a checklist of ASEAN microbial species via a web service API. The checklist is derived from data sources and AmiBase’s partners. AmiBase API is called by accessing to an API base URL
https://amibase.org/api_amibase.php with your API token. After registration, you should automatically received the token via your subscribed email.
Every API call MUST provides the token along with API parameter(s) in a format shown below;

The API parameters of AmiBase are as follows;

1. Search keyword parameters. The result returns a list of ASEAN microbe species records which contain information that wholly or partially matched the respective keyword(s). Available search keyword parameters includes;

  • scientificname: search microbe by a generic or scientific name of species
  • kingdom: search microbe by kingdom or microorganism group (Bacteria, Archaea, Fungi, Algae, Protozoa, Viruses)
  • phylum: search microbe by phylum
  • class: search microbe by class
  • order: search microbe by order
  • family: search microbe by family
  • country: search microbe by country
  • habitat: search microbe by habitat
Usage example:


Note: A user MUST provide at least 1 search keyword parameter, otherwise API will throw “Invalid parameters” warning.

2. (Optional) Time frame parameters. The result returns a list of ASEAN microbe species records which have been modified within the time frame specified by starttime and endtime in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Usage example:


Note: If time frame parameters are not provided, the default starttime is 1975-01-01 (January 1st , 1975) and endtime is current date.

3. (Optional) Retrieval limit parameters. The records of AmiBase API result are controlled by start and limit parameters.

  • start: the offset of the returning result, default = 1
  • limit : the maximum number of records in each batch of the returning result, default = 500 (valid value is between 0 – 500)
Usage example:

AmiBase API output schema
The AmiBase API result is returned in a JSON format containing information of each record as well as metadata of API call.

  1. Metadata: API version, API call time, API input parameters, number of records which matched the input parameters
  2. Record array: The list of records. Data of each record are designated in Darwin Core terms.

AmiBase API output example